Thursday, October 30, 2014

In that MAZE I tread

I was wandering here and there
Thinking of the greenery around me and imagining the wonderful creation of God.
When I ran to the left I saw roses and then to the right I saw lilies everywhere it was green
So beautiful.

Then I began to run, I ran so fast that I forgot to stop by and look at beautiful new flowers and plants
I ran .. and ran.. I tripped I fell I got up and again started sunning not knowing where I am heading to...But still 
But still everything around me was so green and beautiful

Suddenly something gripped my throat
Fear was what I swallowed
I felt several shrills go down my body
I then realised I was all alone
I was the only one running
Then it did not take so long that I found myself in this "THE MAZE"

I was in the middle
Now I began to run.. not on my own but crying out "Jesus!!"
I knew this time Jesus was with me when I am running..
But still I could not find the door open
I said " Jesus .. hurry up its getting late.. its going to be pitch dark.. its getting darker and darker as I run ..
I cried .. I groped.....
I said
I am tired of trying
I am tired of crying
I am tired.. I am just tired fighting "
I fell to the ground... breathed the dust..... tears rolled down my dusty cheeks.. I was lost... totally... completely...I closed my eyes.. all I could see was darkness... A feeling of failure.. loss.. despised.. all alone..
Thoughts clouded... Will I ever see light? Will I ever smile? I cried.... again.. saying these words.. whether someone was hearing or not..ONE CHANCE.. JUST ONE LAST CHANCE...with my eyes still closed....

I felt a hand holding me now..
I said don't leave me .. Am all alone..
But the reply came .."I was all the way with you... Even when you didn't feel me I was still with you.. It even hurt me.. I even cried .. I tried to stop you... I prayed.. I fought... It was so tough.. I was bleeding.. I gave my last drop of blood.. "

I raised my eyes to see the one who love me so much
My eyes couldn't see
It was so bright.. so bright... (searching for words!!)
I asked who are you?
A beautiful voice came saying "AM YOUR JESUS"
I said "I was scared.. I thought I lost my soul... I was so sure am going to hell... I wanted to gain my life but lost it....."
Jesus said
"How would I leave you to die? 
How would I let go of you? 
Even before the world knew you I loved you...."
He said "IT IS FINISHED" .. WE HAVE WON OVER SATAN.. and there I see Jesus victoriously riding on the horse

I said "JESUS please take me with you.. take me home... lest I get into another maze and lose my chance ..."

And Jesus said " Lo.. I am with you always.. Go preach the good news... Its not only you.. but millions of young people like you groping in different mazes...Help them out till that time comes.. till I call you to your eternal home in Heaven.. I love you always.."

And PEACE filled my heart..!! I love you Jesus....

Melba ... 

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