Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Puppy's lessons!!!

Always be in a circle of friends  :):):)
When you are MAD/ANGRY at someone punch a PILLOW or better get a PUNCH BAG for yourself :P:P ..!! That is far better than carrying the bitterness in heart and head :):)
Say to yourself always ..."AM READY FOR CHALLENGE" ..... PRESS ON... GEAR IT ALL UP :):)
Try and be a TEAM PLAYER before being a LEADER !!!!
Imagine that you own a pair of WINGS... and then fly over your problems.. It will look sooooooo small when you rise to heights  :):)!!!
Look smart... Get a new hair style !!! :) :P
Enough of being THE MATURED ONE (even kids don wanna be kids anymore) yet... try being a BABY at times :):)
Get gifts for yourself .... A few flowers would replace a frown with a smile !!
Free yourself from clouding thoughts :) Run PAST the PAST .. Because its BEHIND you and NOT AHEAD!!
Always try and look ELEGANT :):)

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