Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back to Blog after 1 year....

Today is the last working day of my 4th semester in Karunya..!! I will miss Karunya for 3 months.. God has led me miraculously these many days from Virtusa to Karunya. I have learnt to enquire the Lord in every walk and every step I take. I have fallen many times and the satan said I can never stand up again. But it was and is God's grace that lifted me and is lifting me up everytime. I have learnt to forsake the worldly ways. Though at times I think the other side is greener and why can't I live a normal life like others. But HE reminds me of his unconditional LOVE and His grace that extends from east to west and His mercy north to south.... He has forgiven all my iniquities and bore all my sicknesses, my shortcomings. Karunya is a blessed place. I have realised that God comes walking in the gardens here cause the prayer I make every minute is answered. And I believe even after leaving this place my Good Shepherd will not let me go astray and will lead me to the path of righteousness all througout my days in the world. I know the challenges are many but MY GOD is bigger than any situation any challenge !!!

Jesus I Love You !!!!

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