Monday, November 8, 2010

Divine Delay !!!

Exodus 13:17-18

If you're like me, patience is one of those areas in which you are, to say it nicely, under construction. We don't like to wait. Our lives are busy and full, and we hate delays. Many times the delay is actually part of the plan to protect you from something that could hurt you if you stayed "on schedule" - on your schedule, that is.

You can see God's protective delays at work in our word for today from the Word of God. While it's a chapter out of the lives of God's ancient people, it may shed light on why God seems to be taking you the long way around right now. The story is in Exodus 13, verses 17 and 18. The Jews have just been miraculously delivered from slavery to Pharaoh in Egypt, and they're ready to be on the interstate to the Promised Land. Here's what happened and why. "When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, 'If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.' So God led the people around the desert road toward the Red Sea."

So God's people are purposely slowed down by God, and then that longer road leads to what appears to be a disaster - trapped at the Red Sea with the Egyptian Army bearing down on them. Now it may be that God is taking you the longer, slower way right now. You were, like those people on the interstate that was suddenly closed, speeding full speed ahead. Suddenly, all you can see is an ocean of red brake lights in front of you. You're waiting, and you don't know why.

It's because God knows what's up ahead and you don't. And He's protecting you from a battle up there that you're not ready to fight, from danger that will hurt you, from a temptation or a test for which you are not yet strong enough. Remember, He's promised not to let you face more than He knows you can bear. Maybe you have prayed these words many times, "Lord, 'Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'" And the reason you're waiting or taking what seems to be a detour is because your Father, who art in heaven, is answering that prayer!

And if the delay and the detour bring you to a Red Sea, not to worry! He's leading you, not into a mess, but into a miracle you'll never forget! So learn to relax when God closes the road or suddenly slows you down. It's all about His love for you, a love that knows what's best for you, a love that knows what's going to happen if you keep going the same direction at the same speed. So don't sit there, pounding the steering wheel and fuming. You aren't late.

In fact, you're right on time - God's time. And this isn't Plan B. This is what God's Plan A has been all the time. So trust the One who plans the trip and who protects those who belong to Him. If you could see what's up ahead, you'd be so grateful that God has made you wait.

Source : Forward in e-mail.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Words that strengthened me on 1/11/2010

Faith moves the throne of God..It quickens the heart of God to act.. When God acknowledges our Faith, the answer comes!..

Source : Anesh D Sundar

Wednesday, October 27, 2010



I was just checking out some skit ideas when I came across such a wonderful skit. I am sure many would have come across this story but it is nice to be reminded once again that our Jesus is WITH US ALWAYS. Happy reading!!

ACT I – At Church

(The minister is at church praying. A woman crying approaches him)

Woman: Excuse me.

(the minister turns around and looks at her)

Woman: Oh, please, my father needs you.

Minister: Calm down, and tell me what is wrong with him.

Woman: He is very sick. I think that if you talk to him, and if you pray with him, he might feel better.

Minister: Let´s go right away … let me just take my prayer book and the holy oil.

(both leave stage)


(the minister enters the man`s bedroom. He leaves the door open. The man is lying in bed. There`s an empty chair beside his bed).

Minister: Well, I suppose you were expecting me.

Man: No, who are you?

Minister: I am the minister. Your daughter came to see me… she wants me to pray with you. But when I saw the empty chair, I thought you knew I was coming to see you.

Man: Oh, yes… the empty chair. Would you mind closing the door?

Minister: Not at all.

(The minister closes the door. The man starts to talk)

Man: I have never told anyone this, not even my daughter. But all of my life I have never known how to pray. At church I used to hear the priest talk about prayer, but it went right over my head. I abandoned any attempt at prayer . . . until one day about four years ago my best friend told me… Joseph, prayer is just like having a conversation with Jesus. I suggest that you place an empty chair in front of you, and in faith see Jesus on the chair. Don´t be afraid, because he promised, “I’ll be with you always.” Then just speak to him in the same way you’re doing with me right now. So, I tried it and I’ve liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day. I’m careful though. If my daughter sees me talking to an empty chair, she’d either have a nervous breakdown or sends me off to the hospital.

Minister: Well, I encouraged you to continue doing it… Let´s pray together…

(The minister opens the prayer book and both pray. When they finish praying the minister anoints the man with oil).

Man: Thank you, I feel much better.

Minister: I have to go to church now, but I´ll pray for you everyday.

(the minister leaves stage).

ACT III. At Church

(the minister is sitting in his desk. The phone rings).

Minister: Hello.

Woman: I just called you to tell you that my father passed away.

Minister: Oh, I am sorry to hear that… please tell me… did he go in peace?

Woman: Yes, and when I left the house about four o’ clock, he called me over to his bedside and told me he loved me and kissed me on the cheek. When I got back from the store an hour later, I found him dead. But there was something strange about his death. Apparently, just before Daddy died, he leaned over and rested his head on the chair beside the bed. What do you make of that? ¨… What do you think it means?

(the minister wipes a tear from his eye)

Minister: I wish we could all go like that… God bless us all.

The End

Author: Unknown

Adapted by K I D S I N C O

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Day before 4th sem xams!!

A day given by the Lord for studying..

But most of us get too much interested in the following only before the exams.. I still can't find the answer..

1. Some song that was in a folder that you always saw but never opened to listen but suddenly interests you now and you keep playing it.

2. Some novel or story book lying in the shelf for many days dusty. But you take and start reading it.

3. Some friends become so interesting during exams that you start chatting and laughing over jokes, tripping on each other either dyadic or as a group for a long time without even knowing it is midnight.

4. You dust the bible and start flipping the pages, become so spiritual and regularly attend the church and pray on time even for 1 hr.

5. You feel so hungry like never before and eat till your stomach is full till it feels like a balloon about to burst saying to yourself that "AM STRAINING A LOT".

A lot more to list.. But one thing I want to remind you..

God said "And Whatever your hand finds it to do, do it with all your might"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back to Blog after 1 year....

Today is the last working day of my 4th semester in Karunya..!! I will miss Karunya for 3 months.. God has led me miraculously these many days from Virtusa to Karunya. I have learnt to enquire the Lord in every walk and every step I take. I have fallen many times and the satan said I can never stand up again. But it was and is God's grace that lifted me and is lifting me up everytime. I have learnt to forsake the worldly ways. Though at times I think the other side is greener and why can't I live a normal life like others. But HE reminds me of his unconditional LOVE and His grace that extends from east to west and His mercy north to south.... He has forgiven all my iniquities and bore all my sicknesses, my shortcomings. Karunya is a blessed place. I have realised that God comes walking in the gardens here cause the prayer I make every minute is answered. And I believe even after leaving this place my Good Shepherd will not let me go astray and will lead me to the path of righteousness all througout my days in the world. I know the challenges are many but MY GOD is bigger than any situation any challenge !!!

Jesus I Love You !!!!