Monday, March 30, 2009

Blessing on all that you touch

Are You Limiting God’s Blessings?
People often say “I have this need, and God hasn’t met it. I’ve asked over and over but still I get no results.” Sometimes prayers go unanswered because we don’t truly believe that God will answer our requests.

Psalm 81:1-16
The Israelites turned away from God and His plan numerous times, but He continually rescued them.

God promises to meet all our needs.
Scriptures: Psalm 23; 37:4; 81:16; 103:1-6; 145:18-19; Philippians 4:19
God promises us His best, but that doesn’t mean His blessings are the same for every person.
The Lord wants to show us the amazing things He has planned. But sometimes we focus so much on doing for ourselves that we can’t hear His voice. It’s important to listen to God so we don’t miss His answer.

What are the requirements for getting our needs met?
1. Ask.
If we don’t ask God for what we need or want, how can we expect to receive it?
In James 4:2, the apostle writes, “You do not have because you do not ask.”
2. Be specific.
Don’t be vague. Petition God for specific wants and needs.
Examples: Dr. Stanley’s daughter praying for a car; a person praying for a future spouse
3. Anticipate an answer.
If we continually ask God for something but don’t expect a response, it’s as if we don’t trust Him.
In expecting God’s answer, we should also be willing to make changes necessary to receive His provision.
Example: Asking for a new job or promotion

4. Be patient.
We must be careful to not settle for second best in our impatience.

If you request something that isn’t part of God’s plan...
He will do one of two things:
He will reveal that your desire doesn’t fit His plan for you.
he will show you something better to request of Him.
Ask the Lord to meet your specific needs and wants, and anticipate His response. By waiting on His timing, you will never be disappointed. Come to God expecting “far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think” (Eph. 3:20), and in His sovereignty, He will satisfy you beyond your wildest hope

Source:Dr. Charles Stanley

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